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omblivnju 1027

“OM” sound in an omelet, the glee with a “B”, “OM” sound in an omelet, Jew ten twenty-seven. My artist name was initially spelled ombliunju 1027, but in a dream, I was asked to spell my artist name omblivnju 1027. The voice in my dream said it says,”I’m living in you.” The “1027” is in reference to the scripture, Luke 10:27, the greatest commandment and second commandment. And never am I to capitalize my God-given name. I thank God for using me as one of His vessels. To God be the glory!

Keep It Spiritually Simple Ministry ( KISS Ministry)
The KISS Ministry was founded in October, 2001, by yours truly, Veronica A, Odum aka omblivnju 1027. The ministry is based on the scripture Luke 10:27 (KJV) and reads,
Thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thy heart. and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind, and thy neighbor as thyself.
Pick your Rock. Paint your Rock. Keep your Rock.
The Rock
Join us. Pledge, Luke 10:27. with your right hand raised, and your left hand on The Bible.
Insert your name. I, omblivnju 1027, will love the LORD my God with all my heart, and with all my soul, and with all my strength, and with all my mind, and my neighbor as myself.
Love your God.
Do right by your fellowman.
Tell others of the scripture.
Display scripture in your home and workplace.
Share with others.
Tell of your random acts of kindness with us.
Peace and Blessings.
Founder, Veronica A.Odum aka omblivnju 1027
To God be the glory.
A collection of poems, memoirs, and artworks available at the following sites:
- Westbow
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Veronica A Odum aka omblivnju 1027